circulation / water retention / lymphatic drainage

Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

A diet that can help prevent or improve most or all of those changes, is the ideal cellulite diet. The diet components described below - always together with exercise / physical activity - address all seven facets of cellulite. As the same things that cause cellulite are also responsible for most whole body / skin ageing and degenerative diseases of the Western world, the ideal anti-cellulite diet is also the ideal healthy / anti-ageing diet…

RF vs cavitation: what is the difference?

RF vs cavitation: what is the difference?

If you're looking to improve the firmness of your skin and reduce cellulite, you may have come across the terms "radiofrequency" and "cavitation" in your research. While these treatments may seem similar at first glance, they actually have some key differences that are important to understand.

The contraceptive pill and cellulite

The contraceptive pill and cellulite

Estrogen is the most important cause of cellulite. In fact it is the basis of cellulite. Without estrogen you may get weight gain and/or skin looseness, but you won’t cellulite - and that’s why men* don’t get cellulite. Yes, in addition to estrogen you do need to consume excess calories / eat unhealthily etc, but you need estrogen to turn those excess calories into…

How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.

How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.

This is one of the most common questions we are asked: “What are the best foods to fights cellulite?”. To which the instant answer is: “Above all else, have as many low calorie, high fibre, high polyphenol/carotenoid foods as you can”. But why is that? Low in calories: no need to discuss this more, it’s pretty obvious. High in fibre: because they fill you up without calories and prevent you from consuming too much fat/carbs; and because they help balance your gut microbiota (i.e. boost the good bacteria in your gut), which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can indirectly prevent water retention. High in polyphenol/carotenoids (what some people would identify as “antioxidants”): because most carotenoids and polyphenols have a multi-prong anti-cellulite effect…

Salt, potassium, water retention and cellulite

Salt, potassium, water retention and cellulite

It is widely known that in the Western world and with our industrialised food supply we consume way too much salt (sodium chloride), and therefore sodium. Our body removes excess water from the body by filtering blood through the kidneys. A high sodium intake causes the kidneys to remove less water resulting in higher blood pressure and water retention. As water retention is an important aspect of cellulite, this means that a high salt intake can increase the appearance of cellulite.

The connection between cellulite and hemorrhoids - and the flavonoids that can help both

The connection between cellulite and hemorrhoids - and the flavonoids that can help both

Polyphenols such as flavonoids are widely researched for this blood vessel supporting and microcirculation boosting action. This can help in all conditions affected by poor circulation, anything from water retention to cellulite reduction to haemorrhoid improvement: the key issue is exactly the same: blood and lymphatic vessel integrity and function…

Pressotherapy for cellulite: does it work?

Pressotherapy for cellulite: does it work?

Pressotherapy refers to alternate compression provided to your legs by pneumatic garments (inflatable boots and/or arm sleeves) in order to push fluid from the periphery (limbs) towards the heart, with the aim to boost blood circulation and lymphatic drainage…

Escin may reduce water retention and cellulite due to an anti-inflammatory effect

Escin may reduce water retention and cellulite due to an anti-inflammatory effect

Escin may reduce inflammation and oedema by acting as a steroid - without the side effects of steroids. This paper states “the anti-inflammatory effects of escin were related to down-regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators (ie, PGE2, TNF-α, and IL-1β), through the increased expression of the glucocorticoid receptor”. In plain English this means that the horse chestnut extract escin (and most probably its chemical cousin esculin, which has similar activity) acts on the same receptor that corticosteroids act.

Slimming massage: does it work?

Slimming massage: does it work?

A slimming massage can mean two things. Losing “inches” by boosting circulation / lymphatic drainage and consequently reducing water retention; and losing actual fat. The former approach works, albeit temporarily. You receive a few lymphatic drainage or other type of massage and if your excess “inches” where due to water retention you lose some of the excess water and you think that you “slimmed down”. Slimming, of course, refers to fat loss and in this case no fat loss has occurred, just a temporary “water loss”…

Radiofrequency, collagen stimulation and skin tightening

Radiofrequency, collagen stimulation and skin tightening

The main thing that radiofrequency does is to tighten skin. This happens via two mechanisms: RF stimulates existing collagen contraction; RF stimulates new collagen and elastin synthesis. In fact radiofrequency is the best way to achieve both collagen contraction and production. Any other technique is simply not effective enough, unsafe or both.

When it comes to skin tightening / toning / lifting, radiofrequency is the only game in town.

Cellulite creams: should emphasis be placed on water retention, fat reduction, skin firming of fibrosis?

Cellulite creams: should emphasis be placed on water retention, fat reduction, skin firming of fibrosis?

The four main visual aspects of cellulite are hypodermal fat accumulation, water retention/puffiness, skin looseness and fibrosis. Hypodermal fat accumulation combined with fibrosis is what makes fat globules protrude from the skin surface. Fat pushes up and fibrotic collagen fibres push down, resulting in the mattress effect. Water retention makes cellulite more visible by increasing volume in the hypodermis and dermis. Likewise, loose skin makes it easier for the fat globules to push up…

Hyaluronic acid: water retention, anti-aging, cellulite and weight gain

Hyaluronic acid: water retention, anti-aging, cellulite and weight gain

Everyone is talking about hyaluronic acid. I have been researching and formulating skin products with hyaluronic acid (HA) since 2003 and I have seen HA starting to gain wider popularity from 2010 onwards. In the last five years hyaluronic acid has become the most well-known cosmetic active ingredient. But what is hyaluronic acid, what does it do, how does it work and what is really the best type of hyaluronic acid?

Compression stockings versus polyphenols for cellulite and water retention

Compression stockings versus polyphenols for cellulite and water retention

Graduated compression stockings can offer some relief from water retention, however there are quite uncomfortable, especially in the summer, when they are most needed. For cellulite, things are even more complicated, as compression leggings helps in some ways and are detrimental in some others. Clearly there must be a better way…

16 lifestyle causes of edematous cellulite / water retention on thighs, hips and buttocks (and 41 tips to reduce it)

16 lifestyle causes of edematous cellulite / water retention on thighs, hips and buttocks (and 41 tips to reduce it)

Water retention can have many causes, both genetic and lifestyle-based. Check our comprehensive guide on what causes water retention / oedematous cellulite and 41 expert tips you can do to prevent and reduce it.