Fibrosis after lipo: what causes it and how to get rid of it

Fibrosis after lipo: what causes it and how to get rid of it

After almost all “lipo” surgery (liposuction, liposculpture, laser lipo/smart lipo, vaser lipo, bodytite, abdominoplasty/tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift/BBL, cellfina, subcision, cellulaze, cellutite, profound RF etc) inflammation and oedema (water retention). Inflammation / oedema are followed by scar tissue development (known as fibrosis, adhesions or simply ‘hard lumps’) in one of more areas or widespread throughout the operated area…

Dancing, cellulite and skin firmness

Dancing, cellulite and skin firmness

Physical activity and exercise are essential for both cellulite reduction and skin tightening. Diet only is never enough - both physical activity and healthy nutrition are needed. The most beneficial types of exercise / physical activity for cellulite prevention and skin firmness maintenance are the ones which combine both high intensity AND some form of vibration/impact. High intensity burns calories while the activity is…

Why do skinny, young women (even models) get cellulite and skin looseness?

Why do skinny, young women (even models) get cellulite and skin looseness?

Cellulite/skin laxity are known to typically affect women after the age of 30 and become more pronounced by the age of 40 and 50. They also usually affect non-slim women, from curvy to overweight. In fact a research paper analysed here has explained how getting older and/or putting on weight in women but not in men leads to the development of cellulite - and loose skin. However, we also see young or skinny women who also suffer from cellulite / skin looseness. How is this possible?

Will RF or cavitation “melt” my BBL fat?

Will RF or cavitation “melt” my BBL fat?

Brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL) enlarges and lifts the buttocks by adding volume, through the addition of fat. However, BBL does not improve cellulite neither it changes the quality of the skin in the slightest and for this reason many people choose RF treatment, for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, or cavitation treatment, for cellulite reduction. However, many people are afraid that either of those technologies may reduce the amount of fat added via the BBL procedure…

Dry brushing for cellulite: learn why it doesn't work

Dry brushing for cellulite: learn why it doesn't work

When it come to cellulite removal at home, dry body brushing is the immediate, go-to advice by beauty “experts” the world over. “You want to reduce cellulite at home? Hey, body brush! BTW, here is a list of overpriced body brushes below, for you to consume…” But does this advice stand to scrutiny? Can dry body brushing “get rid of your cellulite”?

Is it fat or cellulite that I have on my thighs?

Is it fat or cellulite that I have on my thighs?

This is a very common question at the clinic, as most people are misinformed about what cellulite is. Cellulite is hypodermal adipose tissue, i.e. fat within the deepest skin layer (hypodermis). Fat is subcutaneous adipose tissue, i.e. fat under the deepest skin layer (hypodermis). But how can we differentiate between cellulite and fat in our own body It’s simple. At the clinic we offer the following simple way to help clients differentiate between fat and cellulite…

What is best for cellulite reduction with radiofrequency / ultrasound: longer treatments or more treatments?

What is best for cellulite reduction with radiofrequency / ultrasound: longer treatments or more treatments?

Even with the best technology in the world we honestly recommend 6-12 sessions, for best results, with 1-day to 14-day gaps between sessions. This is because the body needs strong, regular and repeated stimulation to change (results with monthly sessions or with 1-4 sessions only exist on instagram, not in real life). However, we understand that sometimes there is simply not enough time available, hence the common question we are often asked at the clinic. The fact is that yes, there is some equivalence, in terms of treatment duration. Practically, you you can have roughly 25-33% longer sessions in order to get the same results that you would get with roughly 25-33% more sessions…

Can treatments, creams or leggings melt body fat?

Can treatments, creams or leggings melt body fat?

Can a treatment/special garment melt the fat which can then naturally removed through the kidneys into the urine. Absolutely not. Phrases like those are total garbage and would make any biologist laugh out loud. Yet they are churned out en masse on the internet by ignorant bloggers, influencers, “journalists”, beauty therapists and even medical aesthetic specialists, who do not even know the most basic biology…

How to tighten skin on legs and reduce cellulite in your 50s and 60s

How to tighten skin on legs and reduce cellulite in your 50s and 60s

Cellulite can only be eliminated when it is at Stage 1 (visible only when pinched) or at most a very recent Stage 2 (visible when standing). By the time cellulite establishes itself to Stage 2 for a few years, it is not possible to completely eliminate it. Some women develop cellulite in the teens, most in their 20s, 30s and 40s and almost none develops cellulite in their 50s or 60s in the Western world…

Cellulite vs stretch marks: differences and similarities

Cellulite vs stretch marks: differences and similarities

Cellulite and stretch marks: differences and similarities. As many women instinctively know, cellulite and stretch marks are intimately connected. There are similarities, described below, and there are differences, the main one being that cellulite also involves adipose tissue, which complicates things further…

Which tissue depths do different ultrasound frequencies treat?

Which tissue depths do different ultrasound frequencies treat?

Different skin tissue depths and their structures affect cellulite and skin laxity in different ways. There is widespread confusion regarding cellulite, the different skin tissue layers and their depths in the scientific literature - not to mention general information that you can find on the web. The names are totally confusing and are used to describe different things by different researchers…

How to specifically treat superficial cellulite with radiofrequency

How to specifically treat superficial cellulite with radiofrequency

There are three types of cellulite, depending on tissue depth, and superficial cellulite “lives” in the superficial hypodermis. There is widespread confusion regarding cellulite, the hypodermis and subcutaneous tissue and their depths in the scientific literature - not to mention general information that you can find on the web…

Capacitive RF vs resistive RF treatment

Capacitive RF vs resistive RF treatment

There are many iterations of radiofrequency technology for aesthetic treatments, depending on how the technology is applied. So we may have bipolar vs monopolar RF, capacitive vs resistive, destructive vs stimulating, low frequency vs high frequency etc. In this article we are discussing the distinction between capacitive and resistive radio frequency and how it can affect the depth, quality and safety of treatment offered…

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

The natural lipolytic chemical forskolin was found in this study to release fat from fat cells, via significant cAMP production in fat cells. This study confirms that forskolin is clearly THE strongest natural lipolytic natural active and it is an ideal anti-cellulite…

How many RF treatments to see results?

How many RF treatments to see results?

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is the strongest SAFE technology for skin tightening and cellulite reduction and provides good results in 6-12 sessions. This kind of technology works always under the pain threshold* and with an experienced therapist should be 99% safe or better. Experience has shown that with proper, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency the results of any given…

Hyaluronic acid, anti-ageing, cellulite and your legs: 19 things you need to know

Hyaluronic acid, anti-ageing, cellulite and your legs: 19 things you need to know

Hyaluronic acid is everywhere these days, but how much do we know about it? Hyaluronic acid (aka hyaluronan or hyaluronate) is now found in most facial skincare products and injectables. It is probably the most widely used anti-ageing molecule in beauty and cosmetics. But most people know nothing about hyaluronic acid, other than that it is hydrating or that it "fills up" their wrinkles when injected…

How can a cellulite cream reduce cellulite?

How can a cellulite cream reduce cellulite?

Spot cellulite/fat reduction: is it possible? Most women believe that cellulite creams do not “work”, and I do not blame them given the hype, exaggeration, misinformation and fake before and after after pictures regarding anything to do with cellulite (not just cellulite creams) out there. But even knowing that a cellulite cream can get absorbed, one may ask how can a cream reduce cellulite fat that lies in the dermis and hypodermis?…

Carotenoids, skin and cellulite

Carotenoids, skin and cellulite

Carotenoids, found in carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, seaweed (especially wakame), salmon and green leafy vegetables, among other foods, are important skin nutrients that help prevent UV damage, skin looseness and protect skin firmness and microcirculation. In this article we summarise the benefits of those nutrients and the foods that contain them.