Kim Kardashian, cellulite and skims: hype and reality

Kim Kardashian, cellulite and skims: hype and reality

After years of denial Kim Kardashian came to accept her cellulite and, with her latest Skims range, to both cover it and make money from it. But is extreme compression a good idea? And what can Kim do to actually improve the health of her legs and the appearance of her cellulite? Here we give the skinny on Skims, Kim’s cellulite and actually improving skin health on the thighs and reducing cellulite - not just hiding it…

Pterostilbene, the polyphenol in blueberries, inhibits fat accumulation and fights overweight and cellulite

Pterostilbene, a small molecular weight stilbenoid compound chemically related to resveratrol and found predominantly in black grapes, blueberries and other berries, has important anti-adipogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anticancer properties. Resveratrol is already widely known for its anti-ageing and anti-obesity properties and pterostilbene (3',5'-dimethoxy-resveratrol), being a more stable and more absorbable form of resveratrol, shows much more promise in fighting both ageing and fat accumulation…

16 lifestyle causes of edematous cellulite / water retention on thighs, hips and buttocks (and 41 tips to reduce it)

16 lifestyle causes of edematous cellulite / water retention on thighs, hips and buttocks (and 41 tips to reduce it)

Water retention can have many causes, both genetic and lifestyle-based. Check our comprehensive guide on what causes water retention / oedematous cellulite and 41 expert tips you can do to prevent and reduce it.