protein / lack of protein in the diet

Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

A diet that can help prevent or improve most or all of those changes, is the ideal cellulite diet. The diet components described below - always together with exercise / physical activity - address all seven facets of cellulite. As the same things that cause cellulite are also responsible for most whole body / skin ageing and degenerative diseases of the Western world, the ideal anti-cellulite diet is also the ideal healthy / anti-ageing diet…

Is vegan diet good for cellulite?

Is vegan diet good for cellulite?

“Vegan diet is healthy, so it must be good to help get rid of cellulite, right”? This is a question I hear often at the clinic and my answer is, “not necessarily”. Indeed veganism, or at least vegetarianism is good for the planet, and indeed can be good for your health and appearance, but not necessarily…

The ultimate anti-cellulite drink (I): turmeric, cocoa and collagen protein shake

The ultimate anti-cellulite drink (I): turmeric, cocoa and collagen protein shake

Cocoa, protein and turmeric for firm, healthy cellulite-free legs. There are hundreds of ideas for drinks, juices and shakes that may be good for diet, weight loss and overall health, so one might wonder why these three ingredients? The idea behind this shake is its simplicity, taste and impact it can have in the health of your legs. Indeed, this shake is one of our 10 top tips for fast cellulite reduction…

How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.

How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.

This is one of the most common questions we are asked: “What are the best foods to fights cellulite?”. To which the instant answer is: “Above all else, have as many low calorie, high fibre, high polyphenol/carotenoid foods as you can”. But why is that? Low in calories: no need to discuss this more, it’s pretty obvious. High in fibre: because they fill you up without calories and prevent you from consuming too much fat/carbs; and because they help balance your gut microbiota (i.e. boost the good bacteria in your gut), which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can indirectly prevent water retention. High in polyphenol/carotenoids (what some people would identify as “antioxidants”): because most carotenoids and polyphenols have a multi-prong anti-cellulite effect…

Quinoa, protein and cellulite

Quinoa, protein and cellulite

As is common with many foods novel to Europe and the US, it was cleverly marketed as "superfood" by the media, in their quest for sensationalistic titles and internet traffic. One clever marketing idea is that quinoa is “protein”, meaning that quinoa is a food rich in protein. Is this correct? Let’s have a look at the facts…

How to tighten up your skin: the 7 most important things to do

How to tighten up your skin: the 7 most important things to do

Thousands of pages can be filled with information about the theory and practice of skin tightening but it all boils down to six crucial points: plenty of protein; impactful physical activity; polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin C; deep-acting, high-power radio frequency; no crash dieting / yoyo dieting; no sugar, smoking or fried food. Now let’s examine these six points in more detail…

The best anti-cellulite foods | The ultimate anti-cellulite meal

The best anti-cellulite foods | The ultimate anti-cellulite meal

The perfect anti-cellulite food combo would be one that provides plenty of anti-cellulite nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, protein, polyphenols, carotenoids, fibre, minerals and vitamins) and reduced calories - and cooked at relatively low temperatures. An ideal meal could be wild salmon, seaweed, herbal sauce, black rice and green tea - with bilberries as dessert. Full analysis follows below…

Protein, collagen and elastin vs skin looseness and cellulite

Protein, collagen and elastin vs skin looseness and cellulite

Most women today don't realise how important protein is for their physical appearance and overall health, and unwittingly or purposely follow a low protein diet, with disastrous consequences for your skin, muscles, bones and overall health…

The ideal cellulite reduction plan, without any cut corners or compromises, for maximum results

The ideal cellulite reduction plan, without any cut corners or compromises, for maximum results

Here is the IDEAL cellulite removal plan, without any cut corners or compromises, i.e. where the usual time and money constraints are not issue. Most people only have two weeks left before their holidays to do something about cellulite, a limited budget (fair enough), limited time to receive treatments or to apply creams and no intention, energy or time to follow an exercise / healthy nutrition regime. But for those who have the time, money and energy, this is the best possible plan, without gimmicks or compromises.

Collagen/whey protein powders, cellulite and skin tightening

Collagen/whey protein powders, cellulite and skin tightening

Most women today do not consume enough protein, because they were brainwashed for decades by “nutrition experts” and female magazine advice that “too much protein is bad for you” or that “humans need very little protein to build muscle and skin”. However, this could not be more wrong…