laser lipolysis / laser fat reduction

Are radiofrequency / ultrasound safe for dark / black skin?

Are radiofrequency / ultrasound safe for dark / black skin?

Unlike lasers, which work by heating melanin or other chromophores (light absorbing chemicals or structures inside the skin), radiofrequency works with electricity and ultrasound works mechanically, with sound.. The electrical properties of the skin are exactly the same in light skinned or dark skinned people, so skin colour plays no role in radiofrequency treatment (RF is basically high frequency electrical currents). In much the same way, the mechanical (acoustic) properties of the skin are exactly the same in light skinned…

Does coolsculpting get rid of cellulite? Facts vs marketing hype.

Does coolsculpting get rid of cellulite? Facts vs marketing hype.

This a common question we are asked at the clinic. Coolsculpting is the most well-known example of cryolipolysis technology. Cryolipolysis aims to lead to subcutaneous adipose tissue adipolysis (i.e. fat cell death) with the application of extreme cold. Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) is the fat tissue UNDER the skin, while cellulite is fat tissue inside the skin (hypodermis), so by definition cryolipolysis / coolsculpting do NOT remove cellulite.

Cellulite laser treatments: don't waste time, money and hopes, they don't work - learn why

Cellulite laser treatments: don't waste time, money and hopes, they don't work - learn why

There are three types of lasers used for cellulite and skin tightening: hot lasers, i.e. high energy lasers; cold lasers, i.e. low energy lasers and also known as low level laser therapy / LLLT; surgical/invasive lasers. Here we present an analysis of all three types of lasers used for cellulite removal and their effectiveness.