fat melting

Does radio frequency melt fat? The hype and the facts.

Does radio frequency melt fat? The hype and the facts.

I don’t know where this “fat melting” idea came from, but those who invented this phrase a few decades ago, should have known that fat is already liquid in fat cells. In fact, scientists call the lipid content in fat cells “the adipocyte lipid droplet”. So next time you visit a clinic where they claim to melt your fat…

Cellulite laser treatments: don't waste time, money and hopes, they don't work - learn why

Cellulite laser treatments: don't waste time, money and hopes, they don't work - learn why

There are three types of lasers used for cellulite and skin tightening: hot lasers, i.e. high energy lasers; cold lasers, i.e. low energy lasers and also known as low level laser therapy / LLLT; surgical/invasive lasers. Here we present an analysis of all three types of lasers used for cellulite removal and their effectiveness.