why cellulite creams don't work

For a cellulite cream to work, you have to use it (sounds obvious, right?)

For a cellulite cream to work, you have to use it (sounds obvious, right?)

Indeed most cellulite creams do not work. Most cellulite creams are diluted junk, with little or no active anti-cellulite ingredients in them and are designed, manufactured and marketed for one reason: maximum profit. So even if you apply them religiously they do not have a chance in hell to work. Most people do not change their habits that initially led to the creation of cellulite and expect the cellulite cream to do all the work. Again, under these circumstances, even if you apply your cream religiously it will not work. And many people only use their cellulite cream from time to time. No skincare product, cellulite cream or not, will ever work if you don’t apply it…