Advanced cellulite treatments in London, by LipoTherapeia

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Where does fat go after cavitation or radio frequency treatment?

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A good RF / cavitation treatment can release cellulite fat from stubborn areas. What does it go?

  • Where does fat go after a cellulite or fat removal treatment?

  • So how does fat get excreted from the body after a treatment?

  • On the day of radiofrequency/cavitation treatment follow a strict diet to completely eliminate released fat from the body

Where does fat go after a cellulite removal treatment?

This is a common question at the clinic: “If fat is removed from a stubborn fat/cellulite tissue with radiofrequency and/or ultrasound cavitation, where does the fat go?”

Due to massive internet misinformation, many people think that a treatment, ANY treatment, can eliminate fat by itself.

However, as we know from physics, matter cannot be eliminated just like that, except with a nuclear reaction, which ain’t happening in the human body…

Some other people are brainwashed to believe that, after its release from stubborn fat cells by a strong, deep RF/ultrasound treatment (most are weak and superficial, so nothing happens), fat is removed from the fat tissue by the lymphatic system (correct) and that it is then “eliminated” by the kidneys into the urine (totally wrong).

However, as we know from biology, fat cannot find its way into the urine - except in the case of kidney damage (lipiduria). Neither can fat normally find its way into the faeces (steatorrhea).

And believe me, you do not want to have those two disease symptoms, so forget about peeing or pooing your fat with a miracle “fat eliminating treatment”.

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So how does fat get excreted from the body after a treatment?

It doesn’t get “excreted”.

After fat gets removed by the lymphatic system from the area that was treated with radiofrequency or ultrasound cavitation, it finds its way into the blood circulation and treated like normal dietary fat:

  • Case No 1: If we are on a calorie deficit due to our diet/physical activity, fat gets oxidised (burned) in the organs and muscles and then ends up as carbon dioxide, which we breathe out, and water, which we urinate (basic 101 biology)

  • Case No 2: If we are on a calorie balance or if we run a calorie surplus due to our diet/physical activity, fat ends up back into some other fat cells, all over the body, and a small percentage of it will also end up in the original fat depot (again, 101 basic biology)

In both cases, fat is effectively removed from the stubborn fat/cellulite depot, which is amazing.

But under no circumstances fat is urinated or defecated, out of the body, just because of a treatment.

Fat removed from a stubborn area by an RF, cavitation or other treatment is in the order of a few tens of grams at a time (definitely not hundreds of grams or kilos), so it doesn’t matter if fat ends up in another part of the body in case No 2.

But ideally, we would like to completely eliminate it from the body, as in the first case, with diet and exercise accompanying the treatment.

On the day of radiofrequency/cavitation treatment follow a strict diet to completely eliminate released fat from the body

By being on a calorie deficit on the day of treatment (i.e. more exercise, less food) we also have the benefit of enhanced lipolysis (due to adrenergic stumulation) DURING treatment, which enhances the effectiveness of the treatment.

How awesome is that?

Have a cellulite treatment in London with the cellulite specialists

At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening and cellulite reduction for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.

This is all we study and practise every day and we know inside-out all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers. As strong, deep acting radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the technologies of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF/ultrasound technologies in the world.

Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.

Our radiofrequency/ultrasound treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.

And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess you, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

There are five ways to start treatment with us: